Permission Form of JSSR

Hui Xu, Ph.D.
School of Education, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, USA


If you agree to the following conditions, please fill out and sign the following form. When I receive your request, I will send you a copy of the JSSR that will allow you to reproduce the instrument. Please limit requests to no more than 1000 at a time. If you need more, please let me know. Permission expires after one year.

Note: The instrument must be reproduced in its entirety. Permission to reproduce separate items is not granted.

1. I agree to reproduce the instrument in its entirety with no changes in content of format.

2. I will share the psychometric and substantive results of the scale in my research with Xu and provide specific data for secondary analysis with the understanding that appropriate credit will be cited.

3. This permission to reproduce is limited to this occasion; permission expires in one year from the date of the permission letter; permission is limited to 1000 copies; future reproduction requests must be specifically and separately requested.

4. If I translate the scale to a different language, I agree to send a translated copy back to Xu.

I agree to the above conditions: