Jeong-Eun Suh, PhD.
I obtained my PhD degree in Counseling Psychology at LUC in
August 2022. I was born in Busan and raised in Incheon, South Korea. I earned a
BA in English Language and Literature and a MA in Educational Counseling from
Seoul National University, Korea. I completed my predoctoral psychology
internship at Stanford University Counseling and Psychological Services. I am
interested in career development among women, racial minorities, and/or sexual
minorities. I am also passionate about immigrant mental health, relationships,
family process, and sense of communities. My dissertation title is Predicting
Asian American College Women’s Leadership Intention Using Social Cognitive
Career Theory. I like spending time with family and friends, watching birds and
insects, and reading.
Huaying Li
Huaying Li, M.S. & Ph.D. Candidate - I am from Shenzhen, China, and am a fifth-year doctoral student in Counseling Psychology Program at Loyola University. I graduated with a master’s degree in education in School Counseling from Purdue University. I am doing my internship at Syracuse University. My research interests include vocational psychology, gender roles, hope theory, and psychotherapy science. My dissertation is to understand how the congruence of boundary management strategies between partners influences people's work-family interfaces while working from home. In my free time, I enjoy cooking for my family and friends, hiking during the weekends, and practicing yoga.